Harare SPCA
Harare SPCA location
SPCA Re-Homing Kennels SPCA Hospital
Address: P O Box H251, Hatfield. Harare
Cranborne Rd on the corner of Seke Rd next to the Catholic University
Telephone: 0718368602 / 0774682877
Opening hours:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 0930 - 1430
Closed Thursday Sunday Public Holidays
Address: P O Box H251, Hatfield. Harare
Location: 2 R.G.Mugabe Airport Road, Corner Cranborne Avenue, Hatfield.
Harare SPCA 0774 567 128 | 0712 211 900
ZNSPCA 0772696311
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 0730 - 1630
Weekends & Public Holidays: 0730 - 1230

Important Public Notice from the Harare SPCA Management
22 August 2024

It has come to our attention that individuals are falsely posing as Harare SPCA employees, offering veterinary services such as home visits, vaccines, treatments, and surgical procedures. We want to make it clear that these unauthorized activities are illegal and endanger the welfare of animals and the public.

Our veterinary staff provide services only within our designated facility. Any individual claiming to be a Harare SPCA employee offering veterinary services outside our premises is fraudulent. These individuals possess fake documentation, including rabies certificates and vaccination records. The drugs and vaccines they administer may be stolen, expired, illegally obtained or harmful to your animals. Fake vaccines will not protect you, your family, or community from diseases such as Rabies.

Engaging in the administration of dangerous drugs and performing surgical procedures without proper qualifications is a criminal act. If someone claiming to be a Harare SPCA representative approaches you offering veterinary services, report them to Harare SPCA Management at 07 122 11 900 or your nearest police station.

By taking action and reporting suspicious and fraudulent activity, we can work together to safeguard the welfare and well-being of our animals and protect our communities.

Harare SPCA Management
22 August 2024
World Rabies Day
Emma Des Tombe gofundmeHi, my name is Emma, I'm raising funds for the SPCA in Harare, Zimbabwe. The SPCA is a non-profit organisation that acts as the Municipal Animal Pound bu...

Read more here https://gofund.me/0f7c8075
The number of animals coming in to the Harare SPCA is the worst it has ever been
We do not have limitless space, staff or funding
Our facilities are full to overflowing
We are in an extremely critical situation

The figures below represent a fraction of the real numbers of animals out there which are never given a chance by a shelter, and which suffer unbelievable hardship and pain

2024 Stats per Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
DOGS Stray 92 54 66 63 39 35 46 44 36 75 47 77 674
Surrendered 158 116 119 58 83 90 122 113 98 133 128 106 1324
Abandoned 22 9 7 6 6 6 2 4 13 4 8 3 90
Claimed 11 13 3 14 2 5 5 8 5 7 3 6 82
Adopted adults 19 16 16 16 14 14 16 15 30 20 10 13 199
Adopted puppies 4 7 7 1 3 0 3 6 6 5 5 3 50
CATS Stray 87 51 44 37 9 19 8 21 13 22 40 29 380
Surrendered 0 0 0 0 19 22 12 14 1 8 38 50 164
Abandoned 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 5 4 3 18
Claimed 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4
Adopted adults 4 2 3 6 3 1 2 4 5 2 2 2 36
Adopted kittens 0 3 2 8 6 3 0 0 2 0 0 6 30

Every animal is examined, checked for microchip, vaccinated, kenneled and fed twice a day.

No ZESA means that the Generator is running constantly (needs diesel). Freezers (food) and fridges (vaccines) need to be kept cold, the X-Ray machine and theatre need power so the surgeon can expedite both critical and routine surgeries.

Our driver is out constantly picking up strays (needs petrol) - often dangerous and time-consuming work. Blankets need to be washed, kennels and cages cleaned - this all comes with a cost.

The best way you can assist us is by donating into either our ECOCASH or FBC account

Grateful thanks to you all for your support.

About Us

Established in 1911, the Harare SPCA is the oldest Animal Welfare Organisation in Zimbabwe.
The Harare SPCA is a registered, non-profit organisation (PVO 83/67).

Our role is to provide safe sanctuary and care for animals in and around Harare and at the same time endeavour to educate the populace about animal care to prevent ill treatment and cruelty to animals and promote sterilisation.

We cover the whole of the Greater Harare area which includes all high density areas and Ruwa.

No animal in need is ever turned away from our doors.

The Harare SPCA operates from two premises: the Hospital and the Re-homing Kennels.

Funding to keep the Society going is reliant on the good will and support of concerned Corporate entities, Individuals and Fund Raising efforts.

Should you wish to donate to the Harare SPCA or find out the various ways in which you can help, please visit our  Get Involved  page.
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Location: 2 R. G. Mugabe Airport Road, Corner Cranborne Avenue, Hatfield.
Telephone: HARARE SPCA 0774 567 128 | 0712 211 900
ZNSPCA 0772696311
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday 0730 - 1630 || Weekends & Public Holidays: 0730 - 1230

Acting as the Official Municipal Pound, Harare SPCA is the first "Go To" place people will consult when their pet is missing – either to report it missing or to search for it.

Strays are admitted to the Clinic where they are scanned for a microchip, vaccinated and kept for a mandatory 10 day pound time. If they are not claimed by their owners after the mandatory 10 day pound time, they then become the property of the Harare SPCA and transferred to the Re-homing Kennels for a chance to be adopted into a caring home.

At the Animal Hospital we have two resident Veterinarians. The Hospital is well equipped with an x-ray machine and surgical theatre where our Vets are able to carry out most surgical procedures.
This facility also has a Dip Tank available for use by the public. No charge for this service.

Our resident ZNSPCA Inspector - accredited by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Water Resources – ensures that all protocols pertaining to animal handling as set down by the ZNSPCA are adhered to at the Hospital and Re-homing kennels and educates the public on pertinent issues including sterilization, correct feeding and care etc. He will also respond to and investigate reports of cruelty and neglect, collect animals reported injured in road traffic accidents and pick up lost or stray animals and assist with the home check inspections of applicants who wish to adopt an animal to ensure the environment is suitable.
Post home-checks are also carried out to ensure all is well with the newly adopted pet and its new owners.

Any reports of cruelty or neglect, animals in need or reports of lost and found animals should be made to the Hospital Reception or ZNSPCA. All reports of cruelty are treated in confidence.

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Re-homing Kennels

Location: Cranborne Rd on the corner of Seke Rd next to the Catholic University
Telephone: 0718368602 / 0774682877
Opening hours:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 0930 - 1430
Closed Thursday Sunday Public Holidays
This facility houses the dogs and cats which are available for adoption

An appointment to view animals and apply to adopt an animal is required.
Walk-ins are not encouraged.


Most of our animals come from a compromised situation. Accordingly, we try to ensure they are re-homed appropriately to ensure they will be properly cared for.

Therefore, the Harare SPCA reserves the right to choose the most suitable homes for the dogs/cats available for adoption.

To book an appointment to discuss your requirements:

Call 0777373336 between 0930 and 1430 Monday to Saturday

Note: walk-ins will only be accommodated if the manager is available.

On arrival at your appointment time, you will be invited to complete the relevant paperwork.

Our adoption policies will be explained and your requirements discussed.

If the initial adoption requirements are met, you will then be invited to meet the available animals which conform to your criteria.

If a suitable animal is found, a non-refundable Administration and Home Check  Fee is payable.

A Home Check will be carried out by ZNSPCA Inspectors.

If the Home Check  is passed, then an adoption fee must be paid, and you will be required to sign a legal and binding adoption contract.

The adoption fee includes:
Current vaccinations.

Note: The animal remains the property of the HSPCA.

A post home visit may be carried out after adoption to ensure all is well.

A Dip Tank is available for use by the public . No charge for this service.

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5 Freedoms for Animals

5 Freedoms for Animals
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